H2O2 & M.Blue

Reading on the topics at hand:

I buy my food grade hydrogen peroxide from these places (be careful; it is an acid):

and I buy my M. Blue from here:

Dreams not dreams

Unusual things going on in my life… Synchronicities. Dreams that are not dreams…
I was a girl about 16 or 17 in dream and school just reopened to attend. She/I had seasonal allergies and school nurse decided it was best if I got the coh v ID shot. I didn’t want it. Principal insisted and they drug me, bodily, down to the office to get the shot.
I kept telling them, “No, I do not consent to this. No. Do not do this to me.” They wouldn’t listen.
Just before the needle touched my skin, I felt an unusual sensation that I’d never felt in this lifetime (for either the girl nor myself) but it also felt familiar. It felt like energy …power… something happening in my veins. I could feel that this change made my blood “glow” some how.
When the needle finally touched my skin, my skin turned so hard the needle couldn’t penetrate it. Then I looked at them each, held out my hand, palm facing them, and simply said NO.
Somewhere in the space of that moment, I (myself – not the girl) connected with the I AM that I remembered from my NDE. Then NO came out of the girl’s/my mouth. Both the principal and nurse were physically blown into a wall and knocked unconscious. I/Girl repeated NO at the outer wall of the building and blew a hole through it easily. We (girl and I) looked at her hand, which was glowing to our eyes. Her whole body was glowing like I did in my I AM NDE experience.
She ran out of the building and ran home. Her dad was a police officer and had heard the news on his radio. He was already home and packing to get me/her out of the town. I think we were somewhere in Colorado. We couldn’t get hold of Mom. Dad packed us into his really old car (no gps tracking), left the phones (no gps tracking), and we drove into the forest. We found a smallish cave to hide in before the girl and I stopped glowing.
Then, I awoke. I was still connected to my I AM but I was not glowing to physical eyes.
^^I think this Glow is what the Cabal fear. Us -humans- being upgraded and stepping into our true selves. I’m sure this wasn’t a dream but I also have no way to prove it.